Don’t let the Bedbugs Bite!

May 21, 2012 § 1 Comment

My mother-in-law always believed that the only good bug was a dead bug, so there were always ant traps on her counters and cans of bug spray under her sink. Her war on insects invited numerous pranks, perpetrated by her four bug-loving grandsons. Plastic spiders, gummy worms and chocolate covered ants were planted on her dinner plate on a regular basis.

When I first read the manuscript for our new release Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite, the idea of cohabitation with a bug struck me as something kids would immediately understand, and adults could perhaps learn.
I had after all learned the lesson myself, when I first noticed that my tiny “kitchen counter ants” were springtime-only creatures.  I wondered where they came from–and why they chose to move inside when the weather was getting warmer outside–and spent many years trying to get rid of them.  Then I finally realized that just like any unwanted house guests, if I tolerated them for a few weeks they’d quietly go away.

So put down your bug spray and pick up a copy of  Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite!  Its clever rhymes and comical illustrations will get you thinking bugs really aren’t so bad!


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